hUgE tErRiER mAuLS mAn WhO dArEd To DiStUrB fEeDiNg TiMe
Hand stitched leather case for MacBook
Artist Simon Bull Painting
The Sounds of Lava
Shot from the grassy knoll
The duality of man
Chimney Demolition
maybe maybe maybe
What is the achievement that you've unlocked the most times in your entire reddit age?
Look familiar?
Got this sweet little note from Good Bowl
of a Camera Lens
Gyms finding new ways to keep customers in
Painting a paper kite
My first rare.
rise and shine
Powerwashing before and after
I told my wife I was taking pictures for my friends on reddit. She said 'They're not your friends'
Wrapping a car ($4000 wrap)
Station Convenience Fee reduced for Sec’bad
Porch pirates are getting smarter
Offering food to a bird
Maybe maybe maybe
Combusting timber to produce an impressive appearance
The shadow work on this tatoo