Do you want kids and why?
Another baby or no?
Is this normal husband behavior? Feeling so disrespected 😭
I was adopted and feeling lost
Does the Russian language use “lol” and “haha” like the English language?
How to find a translator?
What’s the point of CDs? I work at a bank and unless we are running a special the CD rates are very low. So what’s the point of putting your money into an account you can’t use to only get a few bucks?
How to connect with birth family.
Am I still considered Russian?
How to send a letter to my bio family in Russia
I finally found my bio family but I feel conflicted
Im pregnant and don’t know if I should abort or keep it
6 mo old not sleeping through the night
At what week did everyone have their baby?
Goat milk formula
Should I have kids??
What is one Show/Movie you can rewatch over and over again and not get bored?
AIO to being basically ignored for about a year?