A guy gets out of fighting a war by taking out the garbage.
Really high guy "accidentally" kills his wife... twice
It’s a comic book movie about a woman keeping her secret identity from everyone. There’s a bloody fight when the truth is finally revealed.
The rules are very clear, everything will be fine as long as everyone follows the rules
A civil engineer uses his talents to teach people the meaning of life and rehabilitate criminals
A group rides in search of mysterious misogynists who have learned how to control their women.
She's got him by the balls both literally and figuratively. He's offered a deal and takes it.
Creepy motel employee moves a dead body around at some point; motel owner gets arrested at the end; the director of the movie can be seen in the movie.
Lady looking for her relatives finds them hanging out in the ocean.
The guy carrying a brain with him seems to be the most leveled one.
A survivor really wishes he had been more patient.
A mom with a sick child needs help moving. She gets herself imprisoned and instigates a coup in the process.
A strong boned teenager takes singing too far, and ends up really engaged in a movie. Afterwards, he becomes a regular citizen.
Guy comes back to life for revenge and corpse paint.
Strange that the missing neighborhood dog has the same name as the weird old guy that lives upstairs...
Social worker rips youngster from loving environment and places him with bigots. He runs away and tries to go home, but is captured and caged.
A mediocre painter gives terrible advice to his best friend
Two old men try to live a little
Farts and boners help a man get home.
A family's first Airbnb experience goes horribly wrong.
A dentist gets killed.
Man reunites with his twin brother who years before the events of the movie were seperated, one brother won the genetic lottery and is tall and handsome while the other got all the bad DNA as he is small and ugly.
Really old guys keep trying to kill each other to win a prize.
My daughters requested cake for her 16th birthday