any idea which brand this ring is? or what the style is called?
What kind of music does the Xenomorph listen to? (headphone holder by u/jaybart321go)
This was a $5 clearance plant with dead flowers that I got 8 years ago. Now look at it!
I heard we’re posting weird hands now?
A passport photo of a Wolf spider
Who busted their nut on the hiking trail?
Two doors and a Car Truck. Christianity is Dark!
Second rebloom of my favourite orchid- Phalaenopsis spunky peloric
Need to move wild orchids
Buying a gold ring for my girlfriend. First time buying gold on my own. Please help me out.
Which malachite necklace?
AIO for getting upset with how my ex speaks to my 10 year old daughter?
Dolphin encounter while on horseback
My wife and I inherited this piece a while ago. We don’t know much about it other than it’s a 14k tennis bracelet. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Senior dog gets the zoomies after getting arthritis medication 🥰
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
Has anyone used this vendor for white Star sapphire?
I genuinely don't know how I haven't killed this thing yet... Should I be doing something about the roots? 😭
My Eyeball Tattoo that Looks more like a Sperm
Does anyone else believe in Real Sun time?
Found a working Instant Pot on the street. Am I weird for considering it?
Day 3 of ownership- now I understand the hype…
I’ll bring the mushrooms
Military dogs can jump alone, equipped with their own parachutes, or in tandem with their trainers to provide support and aid to stranded soldiers.
Alright, have at it