I hate when people have children knowing that they can’t afford it
Let me get this straight so I don’t get downvoted to oblivion. I get it, accidents happen and sometimes people will have no choice but to have the kid. But so help me god, If I hear another parent complaining about not having any money left after planning their pregnancy and knowing damn well they can’t afford it, I’m going to fucking lose it! Newsflash, I was that kid at one point! It wasn’t fun growing up in poverty, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. So please, If you’re planning to have a kid, make sure you can afford it and have plenty of resources before you have it. I know this is a hot take, but I really needed to get this off my chest.
Edit: wow this post blew up. I was expecting to get downvoted, but this post actually did very well!
Edit #2: I’m not trying to say you need to be like rich in order to be able to have children. I’m saying that if you can’t financially and emotionally support one, you shouldn’t have one. Everyone has the right to have children if they want to, I’m not saying you need to be really rich! Just please support the child…