[Meta] If the rules won't be enforced, why bother making them?

A few days ago, the moderators announced that prompt posts would now be restricted to weekends only.

However, this doesn't seem to really be enforced? The mods seem to have to remove these posts manually, and obviously this is unsustainable as I've been seeing hours old prompts with no moderator action.

I see three solutions:

  1. Get rid of the rule, if it won't be enforced anyways

  2. Automate the process via Automod

  3. Add it as an actual rule so people can report prompt posts for breaking it

At the moment, none of these things are happening. Most people seem to be unaware, and the flood of incoherent prompts or unspecified crossover posts continues unabated. There's currently multiple 4+ hours old prompt posts on the front page.

So what's the deal? Is this a rule or not? If the mods can't enforce it, why create the rule at all? This is not work pushed on them, it is work they created for themselves. Was this decision implemented without any sort of plan for enforcing it?