Good morning, professor McGonagall! You received my note, I trust? Giving the time and date of inspection-" "No, I haven't!"

Dolores Umbridge went pale as she suddenly realized that she in fact did not send the required note informing professor McGonagall of the planned inspection. "I suppose I might have forgotten to send it in advance. Well, I'm informing you now, so, let the inspection commence-"

"Per educational decree number 2, all class inspections will be announced to the Hogwarts professor at least three business days in advance, so that each Hogwarts professor can 'sufficiently prepare' for the inspection." professor McGonagall stated firmly.

"Well, yes, but-" Dolores Ubridge tried to cut in, but professor McGonagall did not let her.

"And per educational decree number 14, any breaches of the educational decrees, be it by intent or incompetence, are not to be tolerated under any circumstances and to be treated extremely seriously, with the highest possible penalty for the perpetrator!"

"That is true, but I don't see how-" Umbridge said, but professor McGonagall cut her off once again.

"And lastly, per educational decree number 18, any faculty member that is found to be acting in breach with the educational decrees or interfering with the inspections will face immediate dismissal and be banned from Hogwarts school grounds in perpetuity!"

"Well, as the High Inquisitor, I-"

"And as a teacher of Defense of the Dark Arts, you are a faculty member as well, Dolores! And 'forgetting' to send a notice of the inspection in advance interferes with the inspection, as well as being a clear breach of the educational decree number 2! Thereby, you are dismissed from your post and expelled from the school premises in perpetuity, per the decree you yourself wrote!"

"I-" Umbridge tried to say something, but words failed her. Did this witch beat her at her own game?

"So, get the hell out of this school, 'Dolores', before I remove you from the premises myself!" professor McGonagall looked at her with disgust as she reached for her wand.