What Gears 5 did to JD Fenix Is Criminal
It's also straight up bad writing and just a waste of potential.
SO let's get this straight:
TC gets handed the gears franchise, has the common sense to know that relying on delta squad over and over again is just beating a dead horse, so decide to give him a son. Write the character in a likeable way, giving him SOME similarities to marcus, some similarities to his mother, but also alot of differences. They spend ALL of gears 4 on trying to make sure that this character is his own beast and not just a marcus reskin and make it clear he's gonna carry the torch and be the main character....and then Gears 5 happens and for some reason they decided they needed to BUTCHER this character so they could force his girlfriend in his place but ALSO do everything in their power to ruin his because why?
I get it, gears 5 and Kait's journey works better when it's seen through Kait's eyes but you didn't have to try ruin the character and make him unlikable (which they still failed at IMO) to make Kait the focus of this game. Writers who know what they're doing know that you can have a switch of protagonist for a sequel if need be and not ruin what you'e already established but to me it seems like TC knew they would get some flack for Kait being the focus so they went overboard what they did to JD.
Also the civilian thing? That was just silly. The explosion moment stood just fine on it's own writing wise as a way to send JD into the depression he goes through over getting someone killed without THAT. Plus the way they wrote it just makes Kait and Del look stupid. They didn't just fire on "civilians" JD gave the order to fire on them because they were throwing fire bombs at the squad what's he supposed to do let the team burn to death? "Guess we'll just take molotovs to the face and all get cooked because these aren't hostiles they're just CIVILIANS that are trying to kill us now." Then for good measure they made sure to gore his character design too. The beard is fine, turning him bald was not, it just looks bad. Then in the WORST written moment in gears history, they turn both Del and JD Fenix...I repeat Fenix as in main character of the main family FENIX into mass effect NPCs where you have to choose who lives and who dies either locking down Kait (who can't carry this series once the ark with her mother is over I mean let's be honest it's the only thing her character has going for her personality wise) as the protagonist for good, or making that choice a waste of coding should they bring JD back as the protagonist (as they should.)
So I ask again what was the point of making this character? To waste a game on him? To waste the time of people excited for the new fenix era's time? If you were just gonna make a new Fenix, butcher him in the next game, write Marcus in a way where he looks like a bad father who spends all his time coddling Kait and nagging at his son almost every time we see the 2 interact? Outside of the end of the game where you see he genuinely cares you'd damn near think he didn't WANT one in the first place contrary to the lore on the program him and Anya were in based off how hard on JD marcus is, meanwhile when Kait's throwing tantrums there Marcus is to give her a cookie and a juice box.
Who in the world do they have writing this stuff man? IMO they proved themselves with gears 4 and then did a complete 180 and gave us the worst story in a gears game since Judgement.