AITA for not inviting my dad to my wedding celebration?

Sorry for any formatting mistakes, first time making a post on Reddit. Also it's going to be a bit long, so I'm sorry for that.

Long-time watcher of Charlotte! Love to listen you while I'm gaming late at night, enjoying all the drama stories.

I (39F) am getting married to my long-time partner (45M) this year. It's just going to be a courthouse ceremony, and a celebration afterwards with afternoon tea and drinks with our closest and most important family members.

Problem is, I don't really want to invite my dad, and my sister and mom are kind of guilt-tripping me to invite him.

For some context: My parents got divorced when I was around 11-12 and my dad quickly got together with a new woman (most likely had been cheating with her prior to the separation and then divorce). He has never been abusive or mean to us, but I'd call him emotionally distant and unreliable. Frequently through my childhood, he'd prioritize himself and his own interests above that of me or my sister, and he still does so to this day (even as my sister tries to get him to spend time with her son, his own grandson). When I was a teenager, he didn't want to pay child-support to my mom as she had custody of me, claiming he was sure she was going to spend the money on stuff not for me. Which was a ridiculous claim, as my mom is the most dedicated and loving parent who has always been there for me and my sister (and the three of us have a good relationship). He would pay some money directly to me, which turned out to be way less than what he was supposed to give, and he would frequently forget to transfer the money to me, leaving me broke when it came time to pay for school supplies and bus-fare. Eventually I got fed up with that and we went through legal channels to get the child support paid properly. And no, he wasn't broke and has had a good paying job until he retired. I don't really care for his new wife, but she's not the problem most of the time. As a teenager, to me it seemed he was more interested in living his life with stepmom than take part in the lives of his two daughters. He had initially promised to help me buy a used moped after I got my driver's license, but never did. He never helped my sister when she needed to move or co-sign loan for an apartment. Our mom did all that.

Fast forward to being an adult, he and my stepmom would move away and now lives like a 6 hour drive away from where the rest of the family lives (we live within an hour of one another). And he often expects us to drop whatever we want to do on the weekends to drive all the way to spend time with him, while rarely coming to visit family here. Sometimes he'd drive up near where we live to do something related to his hobbies but never tell us that he's nearby, cutting off opportunities for us to invite him over for coffee or a meal. And as grandma (his mother) has gotten older and in need of more help, we basically need to hound him to get him to help out. Overall, he is an egotistical man, in my opinion.

Because of this, I decided for my own well-being to go low-contact with him. I was tired of the disappointments and the hurt of my inner child every time there was a let down.

Now, my partner and I are planning our guest-list for our celebration. I was chatting with my mom and sister about various wedding stuff, as one does, and my sister brought up the question: "are you inviting dad?". I think she feels conflicted on the issue too, but when I said I would rather not invite him and stepmom and that I feel like it would be awkward to have him there with mom (since the two haven't really spoken since the divorce as she was really hurt by it), she looked disappointed and said "don't you think he'll be sad, if he's not invited?". My mom said that it's ultimately my and my partner's choice, but she assures me that there won't be any drama or awkwardness from her. Which I do believe, as she is amazing and she has no interest in him.

I feel like I am disappointing my mom and sister, and maybe creating drama I don't want by not inviting him, but I know it's also a possibility that he might do something else than come to the wedding because that's just how he is, and I just don't want to set up for more potential disappointments there in relation to a day that I want to be a happy occasion. My partner is fully supporting whatever decision I make on that, but as we're closing in on booking things, I need to make a decision sooner than later.

Would I Be the A-Hole if I don't invite him? Should I just take a chance on inviting him and stepmom, and hope it works out with no drama or disappointments?